





Looking for a Social following?!

Social Media Marketing continues to be one of the absolute BEST VALUE marketing platforms for small-to-mid size businesses.
You can start with a low budget and with your core brand message to attract and build a database of potential customers in your local trading area.  

The Social Team @ Shyne360 will not only plan out best go to market strategies but also offers day-to-day Social Media Management for your various social feeds.  We manage your feeds, customer communication and provide key customer insights to continually to improve your brand's social engagement.

Do you post for free or advertise to convert?

In talks with our clients there is a perception that anytime a standard social post is seen by all your followers.  For example Company ABC may have 500 likes but when posting for free, there is a chance that 50 or less people may actually see that post.  This is an example from the largest platform being Facebook.  These platforms are designed to create advertising revenue.  The benefit for SMB's is the opportunity to advertise on a low or modest budget to see fairly quick response.

With so many Canadians tuned into their mobile devices around the clock, the POWER of SOCIAL MEDIA is one that can't be ignored.  A smart social strategy will pay dividends in building your brand value for potential new clients.

Hiring Shyne360 versus your own Social Media staff?

Some companies have told us that they only have part-time work for an employee to be on payroll to handle all of their social media activity and can't attract quality talent as they wish to be employed full-time.  Good talent is always hard to find and that's another reason having a seasoned team on your side will not only save you payroll expense but also bring you the latest trends and innovations from the SOCIAL MEDIA WORLD at a fraction of the cost.

We specialize in handling Facebook and Instagram offerings.  One is the largest social platform in the world and the other is the next big thing (that's what we say).  If it's time to SHYNE a light on your social efforts, then let's do this together #socialshyne.

